Monday, April 14, 2014

We thank thee of God for a prophet

My dear family,

This week has been one of miracles!! For sure! I love the spirit and
this gospel and everything good in this work. But really :)

This past weekend I had the opportunity to watch conference!!! Wasn't
it amazing. Read it over and over. I for sure will be. There were so
many things that I want to share with you that I took away from it, but
my favorite thing was this from President Uchtdorfs talk. He said,

"There seems to be something inside of us that resists endings. Why is
this? Because we are made of the stuff of eternity. We are eternal beings,
children of the Almighty God, whose name is Endless and who promises
eternal blessings without number. Endings are not our destiny. The more we
learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ, the more we realize that endings
here in mortality are not endings at all. They are merely
interruptions--temporary pauses that one day will seem small compared to
the eternal joy awaiting the faithful. How grateful I am to my Heavenly
Father that in His plan there are no true endings, only everlasting

I LOVED that!!!! It makes so much sense right!! Our nature resist the
endings of things but it is because we are children of an eternal
being. Our spirits know that there is no end and so it resists even
the idea of it. To me that is just another thing testifying that there
Nissan stadium where they had
the World Cup in 2002 :) cool huh?? :)
is a God. Our spirits know Him and His plan. I love it so much!

Also I loved that the talked about sharing with your missionaries what
you learn from Preach My Gospel or others things. Please share?!? 
I love hearing about what you learn.

This week I learned the true importance of the Christ like attribute
of love. It is when we truly love the Lord that we give our all to

This week we got a new investigator!!! Well we actually got 2!! It was
so happy. But this First Lady is so amazing!! She has truly been
prepared. She is divorced and has an autistic 13 year old son. She
speaks great English too. She asked us so many great questions and has
such a desire to learn more. The best part of the first lesson we had
with her is when she looked at me and said, "At night I get lonely and
really anxious because I am not married. Do you have a book I can read
at night to help with that?" Ummmm my first thought was "what?!?? Yes
we do!!!!" We were able to share with her the Book of Mormon and talk
about a lot of her questions and how the Book of Mormon can help her.
She prayed at the end and it was so perfect. She had never prayed
before so it was really cool. She said after the prayer that she felt
so good inside and peaceful. It was so amazing. She was asking so many
amazing questions. I love this gospel and the opportunity I have to
help others come unto Christ and learn how they can feel that feeling
of eternity, joy, love and happiness that the gospel provides.

This was all in half Japanese half English so that was helpful for my
understanding. I probably understand a little less then half of what
people say to me still. :) but my nihongo is for sure improving. But I
know it is all God. Sometimes I wonder how I understand these people
at all. I usually just get the overall idea of what they are saying.
But it is really cool that I can understand them at all :)

Pictures :) here are a few... This week we went to a members
restaurant with a potential investigator and ate some yummy
okonomiyaki :) so fun!! He is the cutest old man.

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