Watashi no familia,
Busy busy week. :) I felt like this week we were all over the place. Everywhere but our own area. :) But we had meetings and exchanges 5 out of the 7 days. But it was so good! We saw many miracles and it was
cool to see that when we did Dendo in our area we saw the biggest miracles.
To start off the week we had a lesson planned with our investigator on Monday night, b it was raining and she had something come up so she had to cancel the appointment. We were both a little sad about that especially since it was raining. But we knew it would still be a great night of Dendo. So we prayed and went to go visit a member who has been struggling. She wasn't home. So we went with our back up plan #3. Housing! I actually really like housing. We were knocking on a few doors with not much success. We came to another door and rang the door bell. Through the little box the lady started talking. I introduced
who we were and that we would like to share with her about how she can find more happiness. Before I could finish she said, "Kekko desu." (Aka. not interested.) But before she hang up the box I was able to invite her to church and asked if she would come, even though she said no once. And then we heard her say, "one minute please!" We were both
a little shocked. Haha :) She came to the door and we talked for a long time!! Come to find out she thought we were Jehovah's witnesses and that is why she said no... But when I asked her to come to church she realized we were different then them. We shared with her the restoration and the Book of Mormon and she has a ton of interest. She reads the bible too. It was a huge miracle!! We knew God was guiding everything that happened that night in order for us to meet her. It really strengthen my testimony that we are lead by the spirit. :)
So much happened this week. Some things seemed very unfortunate at first, but turned into great miracles and a learning experience. I think what I have learned most this week is learning to rely on God. Not everything will go as planned. Sometimes you will be on a train
sharing the about the Book of Mormon with a girl and she is really excited about it and so are you, and so when your stop comes where you both get off you are all still talking and you forget you left your bag for exchanges on the train...... But then you see so many more
miracles because of it. :) and it gives you a good laugh! So in the end it was a great experience. :)
All I can say is we need to just rely on God. He knows us and all of his children perfectly. Sometimes I stressed when I don't know how to help an investigator, companion, Ward member, less active, or other missionary. But this week more then ever I have learned that that is okay! Because God knows and he will guide us to know what to do, if we follow the spirit. :) I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows me. He knows you. He knows the people we love and worry about. He will help them all! I promise.